June holidays are ending fast ):
and today is my 99th post!
redl-ing maple, cus the previous one wasn't patched.
yesterday was just.. awesomely awesome(Stephanny's word)!
went to whitesands with Carmelita and Clar ann.
can you believe that was my first time going to WhiteSands!?
carm and clar were jsut popping their eyeballs out when I
told them I nvr go whitesands before.
So anyway, we went to MadJack to find for HOT STUFF(OMGGDHGFDSKJHG)
gosh, really miss her!
so yeah, she ain't working that day.
we went walking around whitesands.
And I finally found the frozen yoghurt everyone was talking about!
but clar said it was $6, so yeah didn't go.
SO EX OMG $#@%$@@%#@
we went eating at a hawker centre,
clar and carm ate ramen and I ate some rice with nice beef :)
okay this post is getting long so I'll just shorten everything.
Went to clar house, went to watch karate kid online.
played her itouch too :O
went back to whitesands, clar went home.
Carm and I walked to the 'pond' if that's what they called it.
We played the swing at the playground,
felt like a kid again!
Carm told me, that if you look up the sky and say you wanna swing higher,
you will go higher.
yeah, i did do what she said, but I went lower LOL!
and I think carm is the only friend whom I can sit in silence with,
and be comfortable with the silence.
let's play maplestory! (when the patch all this is finished)