Was feeling kind of affectionate the whole day,
so.. decided to write a blog post!
gah, life is so moody and stressful nowadays.
couldn't even concentrate for merely 30minutes on my studies.
Kept grabbing the ipod touch and check in facebook and then off it again, wtf.
(Or is it because of you? :/ )
fcuk life.
Let me be angry and mad at you, please.
so that I have no reason to miss you.
I know it's going nowhere.
Okay shall stop talking emo alr luh. Make me sadder only.
Gah, my computer screen spoil halfway when I was playing
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 >:
It's a damn fun hardcore game man!
But halfway my comp went 'tick' and the whole comp shut down.
And then I found out my comp was working but the screen spoil alr ):
Oh, the graphics driver spoil too wuwuwu ):
Ohmeegawdd, no more hardcore games for me now!
Urghhh, mid-year is soooo damn near, next week,
and here I am still got time to make blog post wtf.
Just.. don't feel like studying gahhhh!
So far, studied maths, geog, history, and english.
Studied maths like LKNSLKRNFEIOHRPW.
Since 3weeks before was studying maths, maths, and more math hahaha.
K then, shall stop here.
Shall end the blog post with a song title!
Enchanted - Owl City