it's been fucking fucking long since I blogged. It's been like what, 2months? Haha.
Things took a turn for the better as compared to the time of the previous post. Well, I guess so? At least I'm not that insecure anymore. I feel more mature now, I learnt to be more independent and to be accepting and happy with my life, because of course, yolo (-;
Although I still think I'm still a bit insecure and such, and thinking about the stuff today make me realised I don't speak well with acquaintances/strangers, to the point I am so awkward.
I still feel like I close up a lot, and am a kind of person that needs a lot of space. However, sometimes I just want to open up just like the rest of the people, but I just can't. I find myself acting like a slug that's been poured salt on and hiding in its shell after, but I would've melted by then, so.. forget the salt part. No? Just me? Alright.
Recently, I feel so moody, listless in the day, and in the night I get so upset and depressed with myself I actually think about my past and.. ya' know, cry. I don't know what's happening but I just felt like it. & I know this is normal for girls when their 'ahem' is just around the corner. I hope it's true.
I'd just get insecure because I never want to lose anyone close to me, much less get replaced. If it were another person close to me doing the same thing as you, I'd too, get upset.
On a lighter note, I had POA for 8 or 9 hours today, and it was so so so productive! I absorbed everything Ms Tan has said during the consultation and I got full marks for P&L, P&L Appropriation,Current a/c and Balance Sheet, and I used to suck so much at it that I scored 20percent below the average percentage, oh god. So to me, this is a very good achievement for me, and I'll do better cause obv isn't the end yet.
Shall end off with a happy picture. Yay AT!!