Just did a quiz on facebook, which has made a great impact on my mind. The quiz title is called ''What do people see inside of you?'' My answer, I got Sadness,and it says ''When people look into your eyes, whether you know it or not; they can physically feel the pain you are in. Deep down under that pain you are a bright and fun person to be around, but your world is gray. You are a very fragile and sensitive person..., but you act like life doesn't phase you. People want to help you but don't to know how. You need to show them.'' It's..Kind of right. I usually am a bright person,but most of the time, I'm an emo. I don't know when,but I feel that..being emo is so fun,being alone feels so good. I donno why,am I crazy? How could I have said that?! Hmm..Sometimes being around a group of friend is nice too,but I usually hate crowds.
Sometimes when I'm in a crowd of friends,I still feel lonely.When I'm at the bus stop alone, It's nice. At times,memories would fly past my mind,or should I say, daydreaming? except that it's not daydreaming,it's like,Lovely and Quiet memories <3
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