Pic of my new high waisted shorts!!
COOL, OR COOL?!!?!??
Went to cut my hair just now while my mum and bro was out.
I really love my hair now!
And OMFG finally my phone was able to sync with the computer!
Finally it's not tickling my nose anymore!
okay maybe a little,
but I really love my 'sideburns' now lah!
But the bad thing is,
after I synced my phone with the computer,
the computer's internet connection is like stuck or smth!
idk whether there's virus in my phone or what >:
Okay, gonna do my lit and history now.
Damn -.-
humsyourlife reblogged this on tumblr!! :O
It's actually quite meaningful (':
Right now my legs are aching like sh-t!
Walked around Bugis, Far East Plaza, and Orchard
for what, 5-7 hours?!
Damn exhausted now. x.x
Geez man coke spilled on my shirt today. :/
but that misery was 'outnumbered' by the happiness of
buying a high waisted shorts for just $10!
Was looking everywhere for it man!
May or may not post the photo of it <:
Depends if my phone can sync with the computer or not.
Okay overall, today was a really tiring yet
satisfying day.
Also, lesson learnt. Bring a plastic bag for my umbrella
and not wear cloth shoes when it's raining wtf.
The shoe was nice kay that's why!
I wanna give you a round of applause.
You deserve a standing ovation.
Cause you got me falling in love.
-Cody Simpson
HAHAHAH the picture is hilarious.
Okay I mean no harm to anyone k.
This just joke k!
Not gonna be a lonely widow from now on!
Welcome Meiting and Jiahui to Blogger!
Going Bugis with Meiting and Carm tmr (:
you know that I'll make you say 'ooooooooooh~'
- 3OH!3
Part of me wanted to grab your arm and cry 'Stay ..awhile longer', while you walk on the concrete path that seems neverending.
Today was really sucky, to tell the truth.
I really don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore.
I feel like screaming at you and blame you for all
my misery.
But truth is, you didn't do anything wrong.
Truth is, I still feel messed up.
I still feel confused.
I'm really, really confused.
Oh dear, how much tears I've teared for you.
Start afresh, Anabelle..
You're a real mess.
Mentally and physically exhausted.
My soul was crying the sh-t out while you are over there happy and gung-ho and all.
I'm so, so, so sick of tired of everything.
'Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.'
You never know how many times someone has cried for you, how many times they wanted to say 'I love you' or how many times they wanted to text you.
This had been a week of misery and heartbreak.
I have decided to not care for you anymore.
Even though those feelings just keep coming back
when I see your face,
hey I mean in the end we won't end up together right?
Getting hurt now was better than getting burnt later.
You never took things seriously anyway,
everything was like fun and games,
and all you care about was whether you got hurt
or not.
And you get so emotional over small things, you flirt
'too much', and you take people for granted.
What exactly do I see in you?
What's more, we don't even have a common interest,
some crucial thing in friendship.
Are we even friends?
I don't know anymore, because you use me like a puppet, and throwing me away when you've got your
I, really, really want to end this.
Well, what is most important is studies.
Studies gonna come first.
No time getting distracted by you.
'On a guy like me, with a girl like you. Oooh pure jealousy'
Just finished my newspaper reflection for English. Urgh so tireeeeeeed.
Currently blasting greyson chance songs on shiok bass speakers WOOH.
Cheyenne by greyson chance is damn nice lah! Damn emotional )':
Urgh, fml. Really don't feel like going school tomorrow.
Sick and tired of everything.
Should've known earlier that you just need me when you need something, just like everybody else...
And whe you've got people to hang out with you just ditch me like I'm your puppet and shit. And I was so, so, so stupid,
like I was out of my mind, to still treat you as good.
All you care about is you, yourself, and you.
Should've known better.
Arghhh, whatever.
Not gonna care about you anymore.
I'm a fool for you, Cheyenne. - Greyson Michael Chance♥
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting, I'm waiting,
waiting outside the lines.
- Greyson Chance
I think I'm suffering from Thinking Disorder.
Because I don't know why I dreamt of you today,
think of you so much, and this feeling
of queaziness in my stomach the whole morning.
Gosh anabelle you're crazy. Yes you are.
'Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance in purple rain?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?'
- A Rocket To The Moon
#nowplaying Like We Used To - A Rocket To The Moon
'I take you in my arms, pull you close to me but
every time I try, you keep slipping away'
I find his songs so damn meaningful uh!
Urgh, what a moody week.
But wooh! My maths improved like what?
I couldn't believe it myself.
And guess how much I got?
70% OUT OF 100%!!!
omg, I actually only aimed for 60^ only eh!
But nope, can't get too proud yet.
The really real exam is EOY.
Which is gonna be challenging.
I'm gonna study really hard, work very hard,
and revise revise revise math a lot,
because its the only subject that's pulling me down.
Well, I haven't got my History and Geog paper yet.
So I rlly dk whether I did well or not.
But, still gonna work as hard!!!
Oh yeah, pulled out of SMILE programme.
It was damn boring and didn't study much.
I'd rather study alone man, hahaha.
and at first I thought the teacher wouldn't let me pull out,
but since I didn't let my mum sign the form to join SMILE,
I can pull out like that (:
The first SMILE lesson I went, I purposely went toilet just to skip the attendance thingy cause my name wasn't there at all and I just voluntarily came myself.
But yea I got caught on the 2nd SMILE prog. wtf.
Urgh, yesterday was such a f-cked up day.
Everyone was so f-cked up, mean, and selfish.
Idk why, or was it just me?
Oh well.
Okay serious time.
I feel like we've drifted apart a lot this month.
Or perhaps, I didn't realise earlier that you just needed me when you need something, huh.
Well, not going to spoonfeed you anymore.
'Slipping away - Greyson Chance'
omg, finally blogging after a gazillion years!
Nowadays really have no time, sigh.
Tomorrow's my last paper. Geog.
Omg.. really gonna die tmr.
Andandand omg! Maths and history sucked today alr.
Studied just now in class after school.
Gonna study again later!
Combi 3B I'm coming!
Gonna change my blog player soon.
The songs are so 'last time'
Hold On Til The Night - Greyson Chance is damn nice!
and kyaaaah, I ordered a yellow nametag with greyson's name on it! LUB LUB LUB <: