humsyourlife reblogged this on tumblr!! :O
It's actually quite meaningful (':
Right now my legs are aching like sh-t!
Walked around Bugis, Far East Plaza, and Orchard
for what, 5-7 hours?!
Damn exhausted now. x.x
Geez man coke spilled on my shirt today. :/
but that misery was 'outnumbered' by the happiness of
buying a high waisted shorts for just $10!
Was looking everywhere for it man!
May or may not post the photo of it <:
Depends if my phone can sync with the computer or not.
Okay overall, today was a really tiring yet
satisfying day.
Also, lesson learnt. Bring a plastic bag for my umbrella
and not wear cloth shoes when it's raining wtf.
The shoe was nice kay that's why!
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