Awwww I rlly want that hat! >:
but damn it's 60bucks.
tryna save up $$$ to buy that hat and get my
ear piercing.
and maybe if I am brave enough and also saved up enough money,
I'll go get a second piercing. Heh.
Gah, this 1 week holiday just went wooosh.
but I kind of missed school anyway, miss
paying so much attention in class,
walking aimlessly outside the class to de-stress.
yeappp, good times~
Well, school is gonna start the day after tomorrow.
Didn't do much studying during this holiday, damn.
Only studied 3hours yesterday,
and didn't study at all today
cause I had a bad headache and flu, and
worst part of all, my vision was somewhat pixelated(?)
idk why, been having that problem since the start of holidays.
gahhhhh, gonna start finishing up everything tmr.
And starting from next week onwards,
Ima pay attention in class, study a lot,
ask questions when I'm in doubt,
and stop daydreaming of you.
You can do it Anabelle!
Anabelle, fighting!
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