Okay, is this suppose to be a gif or what, why is there an extra 'I' below!!
soooo, was feeling a bit bored and gloomy so I decided to update my blog.
And yeah in case you were wondering why there's a bunch of korean words for this post's title,
it says 'You like me. I like. So what's the problem?', because I just finished watching an episode of Secret Garden! Omfg this drama makes my heart swell like shit and cry till my eyes puff up like crazy I swear! It's the awesomest drama I think I've watched so far, those who haven't should give it a try!! Damn, always have to cover and wipe my eyes whenever Joo Won does something romantic to Ji Raim! Like even him watching her sleep and stroking her nose makes my heart go BOOMZ already!
And it's like, I could totaaally relate to it because I've kind of been through what the girl has been through (?) hahaha! No not trying to say my life is like a korean drama which I marry a rich man with a freaking big house and he keeps saying he doesn't love me but he actually does. But,
it's like sometimes people get you so confused and f*cked, you don't know what to do. You cry at night and spend your days missing that person, wishing, hoping the person you love, loves you back. So, dramas are like a leeway for me. I would be like 'Yeaaah that always happens!' and 'omg ya ya ya like that!'. At least it'll keep my mind busy from you.
I realised it was wrong. So wrong. To love you. Anyway, I'm kind of thinking of you lesser and lesser nowadays. Probably because, I've been hurt a thousand times, got sick and tired of it, so my heart finally told me to let go.
'Don't worry, I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you.'
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