KYAAAH!!! This picture is enough to drive me crazy already!!!
I can now officially announce that..
and no not one episode, but the whooole drama!
And it was.. indescribable!! The actors, the setting, the lines, EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!! except there was once he was holding her on the right, and then in a split second he was holding her on the left. yeah but that's not the point.
I LOVE THIS DRAMA! No other dramas have made me cry this much before, I was like crying from episode 16-19 ALL THE WAY. REALLY REALLY. stayed up from 11+ all the way to 3am! and it was annoying when I was watching halfway and my siblings kept peeking at me cry. Grrr I hate it when people watch me cry when I'm watching some emotional scenes. Srsly.
Ohmygoooood I just love it when he says 'Kim, suhamoo kobugiwa durumi..' and bleh I forgot the rest of the lines.. it kind of meant 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' (idk they wrote it as the subtitle lol) and he always says that when he feels that tingling feeling of love inside of him. KYAAAH <3 it's like a way of distracting himself from his real distraction! AIYOOO WHY SO KYUUUUGIE!?
Oh oh oh and only recently I knew there was a SECRET GARDEN SPECIAL. it's one of the extra episodes I think?? Hopefully there'll be more kiss and hug scenes! oooh they make me die a little inside everytime! Heh!
Urgh. Cramps are killing me I swear. But I'm glad it came because my womb looks really bloated nowadays, I rlly needed to get rid of the red river quickly because I look like a 16 year old pregnant mom. Lol.
Ohhhh almost forgot. I woke up crying last night. And no it wasn't about Secret Garden. It was like.. school? Kind of recalled that I got scolded by two teachers and my younger sister turned her back on me and I scolded her and wanted to beat her up. omfg it's a total nightmare. Though it's kinda random. But still, I woke up sobbing like crazy and I hoped my siblings didn't see me cry, but I kinda heard my bro told my mum someone cried and all. Well, least they didn't mention it in the morning when I woke up. Oh Anabelle, get it out of your head you're going crazy @,@
Well, shall end off the post with pictures!

Damn even posting pictures are slow. I hate this computer!!!
K shall end here.
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