[1-2 years ago]

The picture shows how much I've changed.
Wow, it really shows.. ALOT.
I haven't played WLO for like, 1-2 years.
By looking at the character's hair,
you can already tell.. I've changed so much.
See the 1-2years ago?
her hair looks so cutie pie kind.
and the [now],
was a girl with blonde beautiful,
luscious curls.
time waits for no one.
But remember,
you musn't forget who you are.
one thing I notice I didn't change,
is the dinosaur pet. LOL!
oh yah and btw, they have diff char names
cus they are diff accounts.
(the [now] was created this year. the other one was long time ago]
I played Wonderland online 1-2 years ago,
then quitted.
and now I joined again,
so many things have changed.
but it's still fun ;)
OMG.. I notice this is such a beautiful post! :-)
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