Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens

To think about a time when a good person hugged you and told you you're going to be okay, and that you were great... to feel better. 
..I feel pathetic, because I'm merely clinging on to a memory, and the person's prolly not even aware that what she said.. had made me feel special for once.
I feel pathetic, because she's not even a person that's close to my heart, yet she says things that mean so much to me.
And I feel pathetic, always crying when it's rainy, just to feel like someone is there crying with me.
I really, really, feel pathetic.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mini Encounter During My Run

 So today during my run around the perimeters of Simei Green at 10pm, I encountered a snail on the main road at around my 7th round. 

Throughout the run after I was very careful not to step on the snail, and I paid close attention to it every time I ran past it. Around the last few runs I started having these thoughts for the snail, (and thoughts I mean really crazy overthinking kinda thoughts, but I'm just gonna mention what I 'overthinked' of the snail, the reason of this post) 

"what if it gets run over by a car?" I thought as I think somemore of how I'm such a contradict to want to bring the snail to safety while my biggest crave and "must try one day!!" is ESCARGOTS. Urgh who exactly am I!!!11 )-:

Anyway, after I finished my 15th round which was my last round, I went up to the snail and trust me!! it wasn't easy.
I thought about how my sis told me when I was younger I once went up to a group of boys that were crowding around a snail and picked it up to show them. 

"Since I could do it when I was younger, this shouldn't be a problem right?" I thought when I took some flimsy stick to poke the shell. It didn't care and continued gliding slowly infront. Then I tried to lift up the shell and GOSH.

The body, the sluggish gooey body didn't get lifted up with the shell and I freaked out!! Well I didn't lift it up entirely lah, it'd be worse if I had actually hurt the snail by removing its shell instead of bringing it to the aisle of the road to safety. 

Anyway when I was lifting it, it's antenna (?) was like popping up and down and that's when I thought I was hurting him but I prolly scared him actually lolol.

So in the end I left him alone there to strive on his own, and it's raining right now I hope he didn't run into any misfortune.